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The Enemy Short Question Answer

The Enemy Short Question Answer

The Enemy Short Question Answer

Class 12 English Supplementary Reader – The Enemy Short Question Answer

Short Answer Type Questions

Q.1. Who was Sadao ? Where was his house situated ?

Ans. Dr. Sadao Hoki was a famous Japanese surgeon and scientist. He completed his study of medicine in America. He lived in a house which was built on the Japanese Coast. The house was surrounded by pine trees.

Q.2. Why was Sadao sent to America and why was later kept in Japan ?

Ans. The General considered Dr. Sadao indispensible. He felt that his life could be saved only by him, as he was very skilled. General also does not trust anyone except Dr. Sadao. So he was not sent do the battle field.

Q.3. Who was Hana ? How did she meet Sadao ?

Ans. Hana was wife of Dr. Sadao. He met Hana by chance at an American professor’s house. They held a party at their home for their few foreign students. Hana was a new student.

Q.4. What did Hana and Dr. Sadao see out of the mist ? What did they think ?

Ans. Both of them saw something black come out of the mists. It was a man. He was flung up out of the ocean, flung it seemed, to his feet by a breaker. He staggered few steps and fell. Both of them thought that it was a fisherman perhaps.

Q.5. Who was the wounded person ? What was happened to him ?

Ans. The wounded person was an American soldier. He was badly wounded and the sand on one side of him had already a stain of red soaking through. On the right side of his lower back Sadao saw that a gun wound had been reopened.

Q.6. What did they do with that wounded man and what was his condition ?

Ans. Sadao was a doctor and he had been trained to save every life. His dedication towards his profession prompted to save the soldier’s life. Both Hana and Sadao took the wounded man to their house for treatment. He was wounded and a gun wound was reopened and it was bleeding.

Q.7. Who was Yumi and what did she say ?

Ans. Yumi was the caretaker of the kids and a maid in Sadao’s house. When Hana told her to wash and clean the wounded soldier she refused to do so.

Q.8. Who washed the American soldier and why?

Ans. Hana washed and cleaned the American soldier with hot water. She did so because Yumi had refused to wash a white man.

Q.9. How did Dr. Sadao operate the white man ?

Ans. Sadao had to perform an operation to take bullet out of the body of American soldier. The soldier was given anesthetic. Dr. Sadao felt the tip of his instrument with some hard object. It was a bullet. Then Dr. Sadao took out the bullet with cleanest possible manner.

Q.10. How did the youngman (American) wake up ? What did he say first ?

Ans. The youngman woke, so weak, his blue eyes so terrified when he perceived where, he was He asked Hana, how did she know English.

Q.11. What did the servants say and how did they react ?

Ans. According to servants, it was an act of treason. They looked upon the American as their enemies since Japan and America were at war. When they found that instead of handing over the enemy soldier to the police, Dr. Sadao had decided to treat him, so the servants decided to leave the house.

Q.12. Why did the messenger come to Dr. Sadao’s house and who sent him ?

Ans. The massenger came to Dr. Sadao because Dr. Sadao was called by the General because he was in pain again.

Q.13. Who was the General ? Why did he call Dr. Sadao ?

Ans. General Takima was an old and selfish General of Japan. He was very cruel. But he cares only about himself. He needs services of Dr. Sadao therefore knowingly ignores the issue of American soldier. He called Dr. Sadao as he was in pain again and he was under treatment of Dr. Sadao.

Q.14. What did the General promised with Dr. Sadao ? What had happened then ?

Ans. General promised Dr. Sadao that he would not let him come in trouble. He will send assassins your’s home and they will kill the American soldier. Moreover they will remove the body also. But in actually assassins had never came and Sadao himself managed to get rid of the problem.

Q.15. What had happend on the third night after the planning of killing the American soldier ?

Ans. On the third night wind changed to quite rain and the garden was full of the sound of dripping eaves and running springs. Sadao slept a little better, but he woke at the sound of a crash and tried to go to the room of American soldier but Hana stopped him. In the morning young American was there.

Q.16. What did Dr. Sadao think to get rid of that soldier of an enemy country ?

Ans. Dr. Sadao had saved the man with great efforts. He didn’t want him to hand over to the police and get him killed. Therefore he decided to help the man get away in his boat and he loaded his boat with sufficient provisions.

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Q.17. What did the white man (the American soldier) think of Dr. Sadao ?

Ans. American soldier thought that Dr. Sadao was a Japanese, inspite of Japan being at war with America, Sadao saved the life of an American soldier. He considered humanity above nationality. If everybody thought this way, there will be no war.

Q.18. Why did the General have a trust and closeness in Dr. Sadao ?

Ans. The General had trust and closeness in Sadao because he was ill. He might need an operation any time. He did not trust any other doctor except Sadao to operate upon him.

Q.19. Why did Dr. Sadao save the life of the war prisoner, an American being a Japanese doctor ?

Ans. Sadao was a doctor. He had been trained to save every life he could. He was true to his profession. Dedication to his profession prompted to save the soldier’s life, though he belonged to his enemy country.

Q.20. What was Dr. Sadao thinking standing in the verandah of his house at last ?

Ans. Standing in verandah gazing to the see Sadao thought about white faces he had known. The Professor, at whose home he had met Hana. Professor’s talkative wife. His old teacher of anatomy and his landlady who had looked after him when he was ill.

Q.21. Was Dr. Sadao a traitor or a patriot ? Explain?

Ans. Dr. Sadao is full of finer values of humanity, As a doctor he saved the life of American soldier. In this way Dr. Sadao was able to maintain his professional loyality. But Dr. Sadao was patriot from core of his heart. Therefore he wrote a letter to the authorities about it and put it in his drawer. He even told the General about American soldier.

Q.22. That impression of Dr Sadao’s father do you have from the story ?

Ans. Sadao’s father was a doted father. He took great pais in taking care of his only son. His son’s education was his chief concern. He even sent his son to America for higher education. Thus, he can be called an ideal father.

Q.23. Why was Sadao sent to America ?

Ans. Sadao’s father was very much concerned about his education. He wanted him to be a great doctor. He wanted him to learn all that could be learned of surgery and medicine. So, Sadao was sent to America to study medicine.

Q.24. Why was Sadao not sent with troops ?

Ans. Sadao was perfecting a discovery which would make wounds entirely clean. Besides, the old General might at any time need an operation. Sadao was the only doctor whom he trusted for his health: So Sadao was not sent with troops.

Q.25. Who was Hana ? How was Sadao married with her ?

Ans. Hana was Sadao’s wife. Sadao first met her in America at a professor’s house. They fell in love. After finishing their studies, they came to Japan. Sadao told his father about Hana. Then there marriage was arranged in the old Japanese way.

Q.26. What was the condition of the man who arrived at Sadao’s doorstep ?

Ans. The man was badly wounded. He was wet and covered with sand. His clothes were almost rags. They had soaked sear water. He had a rough yellow beard. His yellow hair was long as though uncut for many weeks. He was in an unconscious state.

Q.27. How did Sadao and Hana identify the man ?

Ans. The man’s looks revealed him as a white man. On his cap, there was the faint lettering U.S. Navy. Now Sadao and Hana figured out that the man was from an American warship and he was a prisoner of war.

Q.28. What prompted Dr Sadao to save the man’s life ?

Ans. Sadao was a doctor. He had been trained to save every life he could. He was true to his profession. Dedication to his profession prompted Sadao to save the man’s life though he belonged to his enemy country.

Q.29. “This man must have extraordinary vitality. “Who says this and why ?

Ans. Dr Sadao says this about the American soldier. The man was in a badly wounded state. He was hit with a bullet. Then he was tom by rocks of the sea. Rough weather added insult to his injury. Still he was alive. So Sadao states like this.

Q.30. What was the gardener’s reaction on giving shelter to a white man in the house ?

Ans. The old gardener was a superstitious man. He said to Hana that Nature was opposed to the life of that man. That is why he suffered again and again. He said that if Sadao healed his wound, Nature would take revenge upon his (Sadao’s) family.

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Q.31. Why did Hana wash the white man herself ?

Ans. The man was covered with sand. Hana asked her servant, Yumi to wash the white man. But Yumi clearly denied. Now, the man had to be washed to be operated upon. Her anger at Yurmi made her wash the man herself. She was moved to help a wounded man.

Q.32. How did Hana help her husband in operation upon the man ?

Ans. Hana’s husband Dr Sadao was operating upon the wounded man. But he had no assistants. The wounded man needed be given anesthesia. In this situation, Hana followed her husband’s instructions, She gave the patient anesthesia, and thus helped her husband.

Q.33. “I have been trained not to let a man die if I can help it.” What does the line signify ?

Ans. These words show the nobleness of a doctor’s profession. These words should be the motto of every doctor. A man in this profession should keep himself above the narrow feelings of race and country. Saving lives should be his only religion.

Q.34. How did the servants behave when Sadao sheltered a white man in his house ?

Ans. The servants were totally opposed to the idea of sheltering a white man in the house. They thought that this act of Dr Sadao could bring disgrace to the family. They grew so watchful. Then a few days later, they left home and their job too.

Q.35. “Why are we different from other Japanese ?” What does Hana mean by saying this ?

Ans. Hana and her husband have sheltered an American soldier in their house. Any Japanese in their place would hand him over to the police. But they did not. She is unable to understand why they did not behave like all Japanese would.

Q.36. Why did the General not want Sadao to be arrested ?

Ans. The old General was a man who put himself above everything else. He was ill. He might need an operation any day. He did not trust any other doctor except Sadao to operate upon him. So he did not want him to be arrested.

Q.36. “If all the Japanese were like you there wouldn’t have been a war.” Justify this statement of Tom ?

Ans. Tom said this to Dr Sadao who was a Japanese. Inspite of Japan being at war with America, Sadao saved the life of an American soldier. He considered humanity to be above nationality. If everbody has love for humanity, no wars will ever occur.

Q.37. What was Sadao’s father’s dream for him ? How did Sadao realise it ?

Ans. Sadao’s father’s dream for him was to give him the best education and so Sadao was sent to America to study surgery and medicine, Sadao realised his father’s dream by becoming famous as a surgeon as well as a scientist.

Q.38. Why was Dr Sadao not sent to the battlefield ?

Ans. Dr Sadao had not been sent abroad with the troops because the General was being treated by him, and he could trust no other Japanese surgeon. Secondly, Dr Sadao was about to make an important discovery that would leave wounds entirely clean.

Q.39. How did the writer indicate that Dr Sadao’s father was a very traditional and conventional man ?

Ans. The writer has very clearly indicated that Dr Sadao’s father was a very traditional and conventional man. Sadao didn’t marry Hana until he knew she was Japanese because his father wouldn’t have approved of her. The old man never let any foreign object even enter his room.

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Q.40. What role did the American professor play in bringing Hana and Sadao together ?

Ans. The American professor and his wife had been kind people anxious to help foreign students to settle in and so Sadao also visited his home one night. There he met Hana , a new student, by chance, which brought the two together.

Q.41. In what condition did Dr Sadao find the American soldier at the seashore ?

Ans. When Sadao had first seen him from a distance, he thought that the man was probably a fisherman washed ashore from his boat. But on closer examination, he turned out to be a white man who was critically injured, bleeding very badly from a bullet wound. If he was not operated on, he would surely die.

Q.42. Why did Dr Sadao treat the American soldier even though it was an unpatriotic act on his part ?

Ans. It was Dr Sadao’s moral and ethical duty as a doctor to treat the ill , wounded or injured irrespective of the person’s nationality . So , he treated the wounded American soldier , even though it would seem an unpatriotic act on his part .

Q.43. Why did Dr Sadao seek Hana’s help to treat the US soldier ?

Ans. Dr Sadao sought Hana’s help to treat the US soldier because he could not operate on the American alone and the servants in the home refused to help an American life, as America was an enemy nation.

Q.44. Why had Hana to wash the wounded man herself ?

Ans. The wounded soldier was very dirty. He needed to be washed before any kind of treatment could be started. Hana asked her maid Yumi to wash him. Yumi said that she had never washed a white man and she wouldn’t wash a dirty one like the soldier. Seeing her fierce resistance, Hana backed out and washed the soldier herself.

Q.45. What made a cool surgeon like Sadao speak sharply to his wife and what was her reaction ?

Ans. Hana had never seen an operation. When Sadao started operating, blood began to flow. Hana choked at this moment. Sadao sharply told her not to faint because, if he had stopped, the wounded man would surely have died. Hana clapped her hands to her mouth and ran out. Sadao heard her vomiting.

Q.46. What forced Dr Sadao to be impatient and irritable with his patient ?

Ans. The wounded man urgently needed an operation or he would die. Hana was with Sadao when he started operating on the prisoner. Hana, who had never seen an operation in her life, started vomiting. Sadao wanted to help her in her distress but he couldn’t leave his patient. This made him impatient and irritable.

Q.47. What efforts did Dr Sadao and Hana make to save the American soldier ?

Ans. Dr Sadao and his wife Hana brought the wounded man to their house and helped him greatly, Sadao operated on him and saved his life by removing the bullet in his body.

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Q.48. Why did the messenger come to Dr Sadao ? What did he think about it ?

Ans. The messenger came because the General was in pain and needed Dr Sadao. He thought that it was time he got rid of the white man, at least for his wife’s sake, as she was very frightened.

Q.49. Why did the General not order immediate arrest of Dr Sadao, who had sheltered a white man ?

Ans. The General was being treated by Dr Sadao. He knew that Sadao was one of the best surgeons available and he could not afford to lose him. If Dr Sadao was arrested, there would be no one as skilled as him to operate upon the General in case of emergency. So, he did not order immediate arrest of Dr Sadao.

Q.50. How did Dr Sadao ensure that the American soldier left his house but he himself remained safe and secure ?

Ans. Dr Sadao first waited for the General’s assassins to kill the American. But they never arrived. Sadao then himself arranged for a boat and helped Tom to escape. He later told the General that the prisoner had escaped. Thus, Dr Sadao ensured that the American left his house but he himself remained safe and secure.

Q.51. Why did the General spare the American soldier ?

Ans. The General was in pain. He forgot his promise to Dr Sadao that his private assassins would take care of the American soldier i.e. murder him and remove his body. So, the General didn’t actually spare his life; he, in fact, forgot about the enemy soldier.

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