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The Tiger King Short Question Answer

The Tiger King Short Question Answer

The Tiger King Short Question Answer

Class 12 English Supplementary Reader – The Tiger King

Short Answer Type Questions

1. What miracle happened when the Tiger King was just an infant ?

Ans. At the Tiger King’s birth, royal astrologers predicted that one day he would have to die. At this the infant asked them tell the cause of his death. All were surprised to hear this voice. An infant’s speaking clearly was a miracle.

2. What prediction was made at the Tiger King’s birth ?

Ans. At the Tiger King’s birth, royal astrologers predicted that he would grow up as a great warrior, hero and champion. They also predicted his death by a tiger. He was born under the star of Bull. The Bull and the Tiger being enemies, his death was predicted by a tiger.

3. How did the infant react to the prediction regarding himself ?

Ans. The astrologers predicted that the infant would have to die one day. At this the infant clearly spoke to them that everyone is bound to die. Nobody needs any prediction to know that. He asked them the manner of his death.

4. How did the chief astrologer explain the manner of the Tiger King’s death ?

Ans. The chief astrologer explained that the Tiger King was born in the hour of the Bull. The Bull and the Tiger are enemies. Therefore a Tiger would be the cause of his death. He said that the Maharaja could not avoid being killed by a tiger.

5. How was the crown prince brought up ?

Ans. The crown prince was brought up by an English nanny. He drank milk of an English cow. He was tutored in English by an Englishmen. He saw only English films. Thus he was brought up exactly as the crown princes of all other Indian states did.

6. Why did the Maharaja start hunting tigers ?

Ans. At the time of the Maharaja’s birth , his death was predicted by a tiger. On growing up, the Maharaja came to know of this prediction. On knowing this, he decided to kill tigers to defend himself. He started hunting tigers.

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7. On killing his first tiger, the Maharaja showed it to the state astrologer. What does this signify?

Ans. The state astrologer had predicted the Maharaja’s death by a tiger. So the Maharaja decided to hunt tigers so that no tiger might live to kill him. He showed his first prey to the astrologer to prove him wrong.

8. What was the state astrologer’s reaction to see the first tiger killed by the Maharaja ?

Ans. He said that his prediction could not be false. The Maharaja might kill ninety nine tigers but he must be careful with the hundredth tiger. If he killed the hundredh tiger too, he would give up being an astrologer.

9. Why was tiger hunting banned in Pratibandapuram ?

Ans. The Maharaja of Pratibandapuram was told by astrologers that a tiger would cause his death. So he decided to hunt all tigers. For this reason, tiger hunting was banned for all exept him The Maharaja himself wanted to hunt all the tigers.

10. Give an instance to prove the Maharaja’s bravery ?

Ans. The Maharaja faced great dangers in hunt ng tigers. When the Maharaja’s bullet missed its mark during some tiger hunting, he would fight the beast with bare hands, Whenever he had such fights he always won.

11. What brought the Maharaja’s mission to a standstill ?

Ans. The Maharaja had vowed to hunt hundred ti gers to save himself from being killed by a tiger. When he has killed seventy tigers, the tiger population became extinct in his state. He found no tigers to kill. This brought his mission to a standstill.

12. What celebrities took place at the hundredth tiger’s killing ?

Ans. The dead tiger was brought to the capital of Pratibandapuram in a procession. The procession was carried through the town. T here the tiger was buried. A tomb was crected over it. Thus the killing of the hundredth tiger was celebrated.

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13. Why was the Maharaja sunk in gloom ?

Ans. The Maharaja had vowed to kill hundred tige rs to prove the prediction of his death by a tiger wrong. But after killing – ninety nine tigers, he hundredth tiger was nowhere to be found. This made the Maharaja sink in gloom.

14. What dispelled the Maharaja’s gloom ?

Ans. The Maharaja was sunk in gloom as he was ur able to locate the hundredth tiger. Then there came a news of sheep’s disappearance from a village. This hinted a tiger’s presence. Now his gloom was dispelled.

15. What posed the danger of job loss before the dewan ?

Ans.The Maharaja was bent upon to kill hundr ed tigers. But when he had killed ninety nine tigers , the hundredth tiger was nowhere to be found. This made him angry. The dewan was either to find a tiger or lose his job.

16. Who was the tiger king ? How was he named it ?

Ans . The Maharaja of Pratibandhpuram is the hero of this story. He also came to be known as Tiger King. The tiger king gets his name, as tigers dominate his mission and life. An astrologer foretold that his death would come from a tiger. He told the Maharaja that he would kill ninety nine tigers but he should be very careful with the hundredth tiger. The hundredth tiger caused his death and so he got his name.

17. What did the astrologers tell when the tiger king was born ?

Ans. The astrologer predicted that the newly born prince will grow up to become the hero of the heroes, brave of the bravest and great warrior. He also predicted that the baby was born in the hour of the bull. The bull and the tiger were enemies. Therefore, he would die because of the tiger.

18. What miracle did take place at the time of tiger king’s birth ?

Ans. At the time of his birth the astrologers declared that the prince would have to die one day. The ten days old prince asked the astrologers to reveal the manner of his death. The wise men were baffeled at this miracle. The chief astrologer said that his death would come from tiger.

19. What did the astrologer tell about the death of the tiger king ?

Ans. The chief astrologer had told the king that his death would come from a tiger. He also predicted that the king would kill 99 tigers but he will have to be very careful from hundredth tiger.

20. What terrifying words were emerged from the lips of the tiger king ?

Ans. The chief astrologer predicted about the future of the prince, Jilani Jung Bahadur that the reason for the death of the king would come from a tiger. As the 10 days old prince heard this he uttered the words “Let the Tigers Beware”.

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21. How was the tiger king brought up ?

Ans. The royal infant grew taller and stronger day – by – day. He drank the milk of an English cow, brought by English nanny, tutored English by Englishman. His life was exactly like other crown princes of other Indian states. When he came at the age of twenty the state came into his hands.

22. What was the astrologer’s prediction ?

Ans. The astrologer predicted that the newly born prince will grow up to become the hero of heroes, brave of the bravest and great warrior. He also predicted that the baby was born inp the hour of the bull. The bull and the tiger were enemies. Therefore, he would die because of the tiger.

23. Why did the Maharaja kill the tiger in the forest of his state Pratibandapuram ?

Ans. Since the astrologers had predicted death from Tiger, the Maharaja decided to kill tigers to defend himself. Hence he started out on a tiger hunt campaign. There were enough tigers in the forests of Pratibandapuram state.

24. What did the astrologer say at the death of first tiger ?

Ans. When the Maharaja boasted about killing the first tiger, the astrologer said that he may kill 99 tigers, but mustt be ‘very careful with hundredth tiger’.

25. Why it was the celebration time for the tigers of Pratibandapuram ?

Ans. There was a celebration time for all the tigers of Pratibandapuram because the state banned tiger hunting by anyone except the Maharaja and a proclamation was issued to the effect that if anyone dared to fling a stone at a tiger, all his wealth and property would be confiscated.

26. Why was the king once in danger of losing his throne ?

Ans. A British officer wanted to hunt a tiger in the Tiger King’s kingdom. But the king refused him the permission. Then the officer sent the word that the actually killing can be done by the king himself, he only wanted to stand on the carcass of the tiger and be photographed. But the king even refused to do that, As a result the king was standing in danger of losing his kingdom.

27. How did the king save his throne ? How much loss did he bear ?

Ans. The king ordered fifty diamond rings from a famous jeweller. He sent all the rings to the wife of the officer. He thought that the lady would keep one or two rings and send back the remaining. But she kept all the fifty rings. The king had to bear the expense of three lac rupees for it, but he managed to save his kingdom.

28. Why did the tiger king decide to marry ?

Ans. The Maharaja had killed all the tigers in his kingdom. But the number of killed tigers was only seventy. He still needed thirty more tigers to kill to fulfil his vow. Therefore, he decided to marry the princess from the kingdom which had a large number of tiger population.

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29. What happened when there remained only one tiger to be hunted ?

Ans. The Maharaja’s anxiety reached a fever pitch when there remained just one tiger to achieve his tally of a hundred. As the Maharaja has killed ninety – nine tigers, he was to kill just one more to complete his total of hundred tigers. He became very anxious and curious to kill the hundredth tiger.

30. What happened when the tiger king did not find any tiger ( hundredth tiger ) for hunting ?

Ans. Despite being in the forest for many days the Maharaja was unable to find the hundredth tiger so his fury and obstinancy mounted alarmingly. Due to his frustration and sage many officers lost their jobs and when his anger reached its height he ordered the Dewan to double the land tax.

31. How did the dewan manage the situation to find the hundredth tiger when the king became extremely furious ?

Ans. When the king could not find the hundredth tiger he ordered the dewan to resign from his post. To save his post , the dewan went to the People’s Park in Madras and brought a tiger from there. It was a very old tiger.

32. When the hunters went close to look the dead hundredth tiger, what happened ?

Ans. When hunter went close the tiger opened his eyes. Therefore, one of the hunters took aim from a distance of one foot and shot the tiger. This time the tiger was killed and as commanded by the king, the dead tiger was taken in procession through the town and buried. A tomb was erected over it. The hundredth tiger was not actually killed by the Maharaja.

33. What gift did the king find perfect to give his son on his birthday and why ?

Ans. The Maharaja thought that he had killed the hundredth tiger just as easily as he had killed the ninety – nine before so, he wanted to give his son a symbol of his bravery as a birthday gift. That is the reason why he gave his son the wooden tiger.

34. How was the birthday gift ? What happened with the king ?

Ans . The king had got the wooden toy tiger as a birthday present for his son. It had been carved by an unskilled carpenter. It had a rough surface with tiny slivers of wood standing up like quills all over it. One of those slivers pierced the Maharaja’s right hand and although the king pulled it, his arm got infected.

35. How was the operation successful ?

Ans. The satire lies in the fact that though the Maharaja had died, the operation became ‘successful’ as the prediction that the hundredth tiger would claim the Maharaja’s life turned out to be.

36. What gave the astrologers the greatest surprise of their life while they were studying the horoscope of the ten-day old prince?

Ans. When the astrologers were studying the horoscope of the prince, the infant prince suddenly began to speak clearly and wisely. This miracle, of the ten-day old prince speaking, gave the astrologers the greatest surprise of their life.

37. What made the chief astrologer place his finger on his nose?

Ans. When the baby Maharaja was only ten days old, he opened his lips in speech and raised intelligent questions to the chief astrologer. He asked him about the manner of his death. This made the chief astrologer place his finger on his nose in wonder.

38. What warning did the astrologer give the Tiger King when he killed the first tiger? Did the predictions of the astrologer come to be true?

Ans. When the Maharaja killed the first tiger, the astrologer warned him again. He told him to be very cautious with the hundredth tiger. Yes, his prediction came true. The maharaja was not able to kill the hundredth tiger.

39. Why did the Maharaja ban tiger hunting in the state?

Ans. When he killed his first tiger, the astrologer informed him that he would have to kill a hundred tigers to escape the prophecy. So, the Maharaja banned tiger hunting in the state so that he could kill the required number of tigers.

40. What led the Maharaja to start out on the tiger hunt?

Ans. When the Maharaja was born, a prophecy was made that the reason of his death would be a tiger. The Maharaja wanted to prove the prediction wrong. After he killed the first tiger, the astrologer told him that he would have to kill a hundred tigers as the prophecy was that the hundredth tiger would cause his death. So, the Maharaja started out on a tiger hunt to save his life.

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41. What sort of hunt did the Maharaja offer to organise for the high-ranking British officer? What trait of the officer does it reveal?

Ans. When the British official came with a request for a tiger hunt, the Maharaja offered to organise a boar hunt, a mouse hunt, even a mosquito hunt for him, but not a tiger hunt. The Maharaja was then informed that the officer would even be happy to simply pose with the tiger’s carcass for a photograph, while the Maharaja could do the actual killing. This shows the vanity and shallowness of the officer.

42. When was the Tiger King in danger of losing his throne?
When did the Tiger King stand in danger of losing his kingdom?

Ans. The Maharaja had banned the killing of tigers in Pratibandapuram. So he refused to give permission to a British officer for hunting tigers there. Because of this refusal, the king was in danger of losing his throne and kingdom.

43. How did the Tiger King manage to retain his kingdom?
How did the Maharaja please a high-ranking British officer?

Ans. The Maharaja did not permit a high-ranking British officer to hunt tigers in his kingdom, due to which he displeased the officer and was in danger of losing his kingdom. To counteract this, he sent the officer’s wife a selection of fifty diamond rings, from which she could keep the one she liked. The lady kept all of them, thus pleasing the officer and helping the Maharaja retain his kingdom.

44. Why was the Maharaja sunk in gloom even after having killed seventy tigers?

Ans. The Tiger King’s mission to prove the prophecy wrong that he would be killed by the hundredth tiger was not accompished because the tiger population became extinct in the forests of Pratibandapuram after he had killed seventy tigers. The Maharaja sank in gloom because the sword of the prophecy still hung over his head.

45. Why was the Maharaja so anxious to kill the hundredth tiger?

Ans. The astrologer had foretold that the Maharaja should be wary of the hundredth tiger. Killing the last tiger would mean that he had proved the prophecy wrong and thus saved his life. That is why he was so anxious
to kill the hundredth tiger.

46. Why did the Maharaja order the dewan to double the land tax?
When did the Maharaja decide to double the land tax for a village?

Ans. When the hundredth tiger was hard to find near the hillside village which had reported its presence, the angry Maharaja ordered the dewan to double the land tax for that village in frustration and anger.

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47. Why did the dewan decide to give up his own tiger to be killed by the Maharaja?

Ans. The Maharaja refused to leave the forest until he had killed the last tiger. Many officers lost their jobs, and the dewan feared that he too might lose his job. So, to save his job, the dewan decided to give up the tiger he had hidden.

48. How did the dewan manage to arrange hundredth tiger for the Maharaja?

Ans. The dewan’s tiger was poor and weak. He had brought him from the People’s Park, Madras, to protect it from the Maharaja’s gun. At midnight, the dewan and his wife took him to the forest where the Maharaja was hunting and left it there.

49. How did the Tiger King ‘kill’ the hundredth tiger?
Did the Tiger King shoot the hundredth tiger? Give reasons for your answer.

Ans. When the Tiger King shot at the tiger, the bullet actually missed its target, but the old tiger fainted from the shock of the bullet whizzing past it. So, although the tiger appeared to be dead, it was only unconscious. Thus, although the Maharaja thought he had killed the tiger, it was not so. Later on it was killed by one of the hunters accompanying the Maharaja.

50. How did the Tiger King celebrate his victory over the killing of the hundredth tiger?

Ans. When he thought that he had killed the hundredth tiger, his joy knew no bounds. The elated king returned to his capital and ordered his staff to bring the dead tiger in a grand procession. The tiger was buried and a tomb was erected over it.

51. What happened to the tiger provided by the dewan?

Ans. The dewan took the tiger to the forest where the Maharaja was hunting. The Maharaja took careful aim and fired. The tiger fell in a crumpled heap. Actually, the bullet had missed him. He had fainted from the shock of the bullet whizzing past him. The hunters didn’t dare to tell thie to the king and, after the Maharaja left, one of the hunters shot the tiger himself.

52. The manner of his (the Tiger King’s) death is a matter of extraordinary interest, Comment.

How did the Tiger King meet his end? What is ironical about his fate?
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Ans. The manner of the Tiger King’s death is a matter of extraordinary interest because it is ironical that, although he killed 99 live tigers, a harmless wooden toy tiger caused his death, as a tiny sliver of wood on it pierced the Maharaja’s right hand. It became infected and the Maharaja died due to the infection. Thus, his death was destined and he failed to survive the ominous prediction.

53. What considerations influenced the Tiger King to get married?


When did the ‘Tiger King’ decide to get married?

Ans. In order to defeat the astrologer’s prophecy, the Maharaja had to kill a hundred tigers. He had already killed seventy tigers and the tiger population in his state neared extinction. For this reason, he wished to marry a girl in the royal family of a state with a rich tiger population, where he would kill the rest of the tigers.

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