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On the face of It Short Question Answer

On the face of It Short Question Answer

On the face of It Short Question Answer

Class 12 English Supplementary Reader – On the face of It Short Question Answer

Short Answer Type Questions

Q.1. Who was Mr. Lamb ? How did Derry come in his contact ?

Ans. Mr. Lamb was an old man with a tin leg. His real leg was blown off years ago during the war. He lived in a big house and he had no family. As Derry was walking through Mr. Lamb’s garden, he felt the place isolated. So he got into the garden by climbing over the wall. In this way he got into his contact.

Q.2. What did Mr. Lamb say to Derry on his coming into his garden ?

Ans. The attitude of Mr. Lamb towards Derry was quite gentle, protective and accommodating. Like an elder in the family giving advice and instructions to the younger members. Mr. Lamb advices Derry to mind the apples lest he should trip. He also advices Derry not to feel afraid.

Q.3. How old was Derry ? Why people were afraid of him ?

Ans. Derry is a fourteenyear boy. One side of face is burnt due to acid. People look at his face and call it terrible thing. They call it the ugliest thing they ever saw. So according to Derry people were afraid of him.

Q.4. How was Derry’s face burnt ?

Ans. He got acid all down that side of his face and it burnt it all away. And since then it was like that and it would never be any different.

Q.5. What example did Mr. Lamb give about the growing life ?

Ans. Mr. Lamb gives the example of a flower and a weed. He tells that a weed is also a green growing plant as is a flower. So, there is no difference between a weed and a flower. A weed is also as a important flower.

Q.6. How was Mr. Lamba disable person ? What happened to him ?

Ans. Mr. Lamb lost one leg in a war. There is a tin leg in its place. The children would mockingly call him Lamey – Lamb. Also, no one ever comes to see him. People have spread many stories about him.

Q.7. What incident of a woman did Derry tell to Mr. Lamb ?

Ans. Derry said to Mr. Lamb, “One day, a woman went by me in the street- I was at a bus stop and she was with another woman and she looked at me and said slowly”. She said “Look at that , that’s terrible thing That’s a face only mother could love”.

Q.8. What did Mr. Lamb tell about his bees ?

Ans. Mr. Lamb wants to say that for those who love music, those bees sing a sweet song aliter they are only murmuring. Through these lines Mr. Lamb wants to say that we should not look at thoughts of the people, we must do our work, people will comment as it is duty of world to comment.

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Q.9. What was the fear of man who locked up himself in a room, according to the incident told by Mr. Lamb?

Ans. There was a man who was afraid of everything is this world. A bus might run him over, or a man might breathe deadly germs into him, or a donkey might kick him to death or lightning might strike him down, or he might love a girl and the girl would leave him, and he might slip on a banana skin. So he went to his room and locked the door and stayed there . A picture fell off the wall onto his head and killed him.

Q.10. How did Mr.Lamb motivate Derry by giving the example of the organs of Derry’s own body ?

Ans. Mr. Lamb tells Derry that he is like others, has two eyes, two ears, two legs, two arms, brain and a tongue. He can do and achieve whatever he likes . In this way Mr. Lamb tries to remove baseless fears of Derry.

Q.11. How did Kids call Mr. Lamb ? What was his reaction ?

Ans. The street kids call Mr. Lamb “Lamey – Lamb” because he had an artificial leg of tin. One of his real leg had been blown off in explosion of bomb. Gradually, he has become used to hearing it. Now, he does not feel bad about it.

Q.12. What did Derry say to Mr. Lamb while returning from the garden ?

Ans. When Derry was returning to home he said to Mr. Lamb that he will be back in a short time. He could run fast because he had not a tin leg. Moreover he wanted to inform his mother about his presence with Mr. Lamb.

Q.13. Why was Derry impressed by Mr. Lamb ?

Ans. He has got friends everywhere though kids call him “Lamey – Lamb”. He prepares toffee for children. Thus Derry realizes positive and productive attitude of Mr. Lamb towards life. So, he was impressed by Mr. Lamb.

Q.14. How did Derry’s mother react when she came to know about Derry’s returning to Mr. Lamb’s garden ?

Ans . Derry’s mother did not have any good opinion about Mr. Lamb. She considered him to be a worthless man. She thought that Mr. Lamb’s talk was all nonsense. She did not want Derry to go there.

Q.15. What did Derry find when he reached to Mr. Lamb’s garden?

Ans. When Derry reached Mr. Lamb’s garden he saw Mr. Lamb with crab apples. He was surprised to find Mr. Lamb lying dead on the ground.

Q.16. Why does Derry enter Mr Lamb’s garden ?

Ans. Derry has a burnt face. So he suffers from inferiority complex. People always say such things he does not like, So he avoids company and wants to be alone. He thinks the garden is a lonely place. So he enters there.

Q.17. How does Derry enter Mr Lamb’s garden ?

Ans. Derry thinks the garden to be an empty place. So he climbs over the garden wall and enters it. Though the garden gate is open, he does not notice it. He walks slowly and cautiously through the long grass.

Q.18. Who was the master of the garden ? What type of a person was he ?

Ans. Mr Lamb was the master of the garden. He was a fellow who loved life. He was very optimistic. Though one of his legs was of tin, he never suffered from inferiority. He motivated others too to live a meaningful life. His life was an example for others with some impairedness.

Q.19. ‘The gate’s always open’. The line is oft repeated in the play. What does it signify ?

Ans. Mr Lamb says this line again and again. He refers by this to the gate of his garden. By saying this, he means that people are always welcome at his place. He never restricts anybody’s entry in his garden. He loves their company and wants them to come to him.

Q.20. What is Mr Lamb’s reaction to see Derry in his garden ?

Ans. Seeing Derry in his garden, Mr Lamb asks him if he wants to have apples. He tells him that he did not need come there by climbing over the wall. He could come by gate. He makes him feel relaxed. He behaves in a friendly manner with him.

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Q.21. How does Derry react to See Mr Lamb in the garden ?

Ans. Derry had entered the garden thinking it an empty place. When he finds Mr Lamb inside, he feels caught. He explains to Mr Lamb that he did not intend stealing apples. He says that he liked the place, so he came to sit there.

Q.22. Why does Derry say people are afraid of me ?

Ans. One side of Derry’s face is burnt. So he thinks people avoid him. He thinks that nobody likes his company or loves him. He feels that people do not accept him as a part of society. So he says that people are afraid of him.

Q.24. What is the state of Derry’s mind due to his burnt face ?

Ans. Derry suffers from inferiority complex due to his burnt face. He thinks people are afraid of him. He thinks that nobody likes his company or loves him. Therefore he avoids company and tries to be alone. He does not like talking to people.

Q.25. What example does Mr Lamb give to make Derry feel that he is just as important as are all others ?

Ans. Mr Lamb gives the example of a flower ‘and ‘a weed’. He tells that a weed is also a green growing plant as is a flower. So, there is no difference between a weed and a flower. A weed is also as important as a flower.

Q.26. What will be the result of all the physically disabled living together ?

Ans. If in order to avoid people staring at them, all the physically disabled live together, the world will be an unpleasant place. These people will be devoid of all good things of life. They will remain cut off from the inainstream of the society.

Q.27. Why docs Derry go back to Mr Lamb ?

Ans. Derry finds Mr Lamb’s talks motivating. He learns from him to overcome his sense of inferiority. He finds him a person who loves life and teaches others too to do so. He likes his company. So he goes back to him.

Q.28. Why do Mr Lamb’s talks leave an impression on Derry’s mind ?

Ans. Like Derry, Mr Lamb also suffers from physical impairment. But he shows no sign of feeling himself inferior. This motivates Derry to follow the example of Mr Lamb and live in the mainstream. Mr Lamb’s talks leave an impression on his mind.

Q.29. ‘The world’s got a whole face, and the world is there to be looked at.’ What does Mr Lamt mean by it ?

Ans. By saying so, Mr Lamb means that not all people in the world are indifferent to the sufferes. There are sensible people too who behave normally with the physically impaired persons.

Q.30. ‘There is nothing that God made that doesn’t interest me.’ How do the words reflect Mr Lamb’s philosophy of life ?

Ans. The words are a mirror to the way Mr Lamb thinks and behaves. He has a positive attitude towards life. Both the nature as well as human life attract him the same way. His interest in the things keeps him busy and away from negative feelings.

Q.31. Why does Mr. Lamb leave his gate always open ?

Ans. Mr Lamb doesn’t mind leaving his gate always open because he likes to meet people who come in his garden. He likes to talk to them and learn different things from them. He further says that everything that belongs to him also belongs to everybody else.

Q.32. Who does Mr. Lamb keep himself busy when it is a bit cool ?

Ans. When it’s a bit cooler, Mr Lamb gets a ladder and a stick to pull down the crab apples. He calls them magic – fruit and likes to make jelly out of them.

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Q.33. “It ate my face up. It ate me up.” Who said these words. Why ?

Ans. Derry said these words to Mr Lamb when he narrated the horrific incident when his face got burned by acid. The acid ate up his face. He said this because the burning of the face destroyed all the happiness in his life.

Q.34. What kind of garden does Mr. Lamb have ? Why does he like it ?

Ans. Mr Lamb’s garden has flowers, herbs, fruit trees as well as a place for rearing bees. He likes the garden because it keeps him busy by looking after the plants, breaking the crab apples from the trees and making jam out of them.

Q.36. How does Mr. Lamb try to remove the baseless fears of Derry ?

Ans. Derry says that people are afraid of his face. Mr Lamb replies that there are other things in the world to be noticed. He asks Derry how can one distinguish a flower from a weed when both are plants. They are all life. He also tells Derry that he has to take the risk by coming out of his shell. Everybody has problems in his life, but it is our attitude that matters.

Q.37. Why does Derry’s mother not want him to go back to visit Mr. Lamb ?

Ans. Derry’s mother claims to have heard many things about Mr Lamb. She has been told and warned by the people. She thinks he is not a good person. She asks Derry not to go back there. Derry asks her not to believe all she hears.

Q.38. What qualities of Mr. Lamb attracted Derry to him ?

Ans. Mr Lamb doesn’t let his physical disability destroy the happiness in his life. He is not afraid of Derry’s face, unlike others. The quality that attracted Derry most to Mr Lamb was his tremendous patience as he listened to him. He talked to him about things which mattered; things nobody else had ever said to him.

Q.39. In what sense is the friendship between Mr. Lamb and Derry fruitful ?

Ans. The friendship between Mr Lamb and Derry helped the latter get over his baseless fears. Derry was inspired by Mr Lamb’s positive attitude towards life. The old man’s optimism instilled in Derry the confidence to come out of his shell and face the world. In return , Mr Lamb is benefited from Derry’s company , and is able to shed his loneliness, though only for brief moments.

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