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The Third Level Short Question Answer

The Third Level Short Question Answer

The Third Level Short Question Answer

Class 12 English Supplementary Reader – The Third Level

Short Answer Type Questions

Q.1. How did Charley’s psychiatrist explain his reaching ‘The Third Level’ ?

Ans. Charley’s psychiatrist explained that the modern world is full of insecurity, fear, war, worry, etc. Owing to all this, Charley was sad. So the imagination of ‘The Third Level’ rose in his mind. This imagination of him was an escape from reality.

Q.2. Why do the people in the modern world want to escape ?

Ans. The modern day world is full of insecurity, fear, war, worry, etc. So the people are sad. They find it difficult to live among these hostile conditions. Owing to this, they try to find happiness by being away from reality.

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Q.3. How does the story present hobbies ?

Ans. This story presents hobbies as a temporary refuge from the harsh realities of life. People develop hobbies because they make them forget the ugliness of the world for quite some time. Being busy with their hobbies, people find some respite from the bitterness of life.

Q.4. How does Charley describe the past ?

Ans. Charley describes the past as a time when things were pretty nice and peaceful. Then people enjoyed leisure in one another’s company and lived a romantic life. They developed hobbies just for fun and not for any refuge from reality.

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Q.5. How is the Grand Central Station a symbol of escape ?

Ans. The Grand Central Station has a subway. It has many tunnels. These tunnels take one to different places in the city. They make one escape from the hue and cry of the city. Thus, the Grand Central Station is a symbol of escape.

Q.6. What confirmed that Charley was in the year 1894 ?

Ans. At ‘The Third Level’ of the Grand Central Station, Charley saw the newspaper The World The paper had not been published for years. It was printed on June 11, 1894. This confirmed that Charley was in the year 1894.

Q.7. Why does Charley call the world in 1894 peaceful ?

Ans. The world now has seen two world war. The First World War was fought from 1914 to 1918 and the Second one from 1939 to 1945. The world in 1894 had not seen these wars. Being free from wars, it was peaceful.

Q.8. Why could Charley not buy tickets to Galesburg ?

Ans. Charley found himself in the world of 1894 at ‘The Third Level’ of the Grand Central Station. There he wanted to buy tickets to Galesburg for himself and his wife. But he did not have the old style currency. So he could not buy the tickets.

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Q.9. What posed a threat of jail before Charley ?

Ans. Charley wanted to buy two tickets at the ticket window of ‘The Third Level’. It was the world of the year 1894. He produced money of the modern times. The clerk took it to be cheating. He threatened to send Charley to the jail.

Q.10. But I didn’t care; eggs were thirteen cents a dozen in 1894. ‘What does the line signify ?

Ans. Charley decided to go into the world of 1894. He bought old style currency for 300 dollars. It got him less than 200 in old style bills. But he did not care because the things were much cheaper in 1894.

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Q.11. Why could Charley never again find ‘The Third Level’ ?

Ans. Charley once found ‘The Third Level’ as a place that existed in 1894. He came out of it to buy old style currency. But he could never again find the place as it was a product of his imagi nation. The place didn’t really exist.

Q.12. What is the first – day cover ?

Ans. When a new stamp is issued, stamp collector buy some. They use them to mail envelopes to themselves on the first day of the sale. The stamp of the post office proves the date. The envelope is called first – day cover.

The Third Level Short Question Answer

Q.13. Why did the narrator talk to his phychiatrist friend ?

Ans. Everybody knew that there were only two levels at the Grand Central Station of New York. But the narrator once found himself at ‘The Third Level.’ He four id it some what unusual. So he talked to his psychiatrist friend about it.

Q.14. How was the Grand Central Station growing like a tree ?

Ans. The Grand Central Station had a criss – cross of tunnels. It always provided the narrator a new experience. Whenever he went there, he bumped into new doorways and stairs and corridors. So he felt that it was growing like a tree.

Q.15. How did Charley reach the third level of the Grand Central Station ?

Ans. One evening Charley reached the Grand Central and walked down the second level to catch an early train to his home. He strangely happened to notice a doorway down and followed the steps that led him to the third level of the Grand Central Station.

Q.16. Why did the narrator talk to a psychiatrist friend of his and what did he say about the third level ?

Ans. The narrator talked to his psychiatrist friend because no one believed him and thought he might consult a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist interpreted it as mental disorder and explained that to escape from insecurity, fear, war and worry everyone fantasizes things that never happened.

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Q.17. Does Charley agree that stamp collecting habit is a way of escapism ? Why ?

Ans. No, Charley doesn’t agree with his claim of his pyschiatrist friend. Charley’s grandfather was stamp collector yet he was a happy man and he never ran away from reality. Another stamp collector was President Roosevelt. From these two people Charley believed that stamp collecting habit does not mean escapism.

Q.18. How did Charley ascertain that he had reached the 1894 world ?

Ans. By the dim gas lamps, brass spittoons, old styled clothing of men and women, moustaches and string watches, Charley ascertained that he had reached the 1894 world.

The Third Level Short Question Answer

Q.19. Why did Charley run away from the third level ?

Ans. Charley wanted to buy two rail tickets to Galesburg but the clerk at the station found that his notes were fake and thought Charlie was attempting to fool him. He warned him that he would call the police. Seeing that there was nothing good about police and jail in 1894, he ran away.

Q.20. Why was Charley not able to get to Galesburg again ?

Ans. After buying old currency in exchange of the new currency, he went down to the second level and searched for the third level at the Grand Central Station. The door was dissipated and he could not find it again.

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Q.21. How did Sam reach Galesburg ?

Ans. From Charley’s experience, Sam learnt that one can get into the third level only once, so he purchased old currency and went to the Grand Central. He found the way to the third level, purchased ticket and reached the 1894 Galesburg, Charley’s village.

Q.22. What work did Sam set for in Galesburg ? Why ?

Ans. Sam set him self up in a hay, feed and grain business because he could not continue his old profession in Galesburg as at that time everyone was happy and contented so no one needed a psychiatrist.

Q.23. What was the third level ? Where was it situated ?

Ans. The third level refers to the subway of the Grand Central station in New York. Though this Third Level was not present there physically, but Charley claimed it to be present there. The third level was at Grand Central station in New York.

Q.24. Who was psychiatrist ? What did he tell about the third level ?

Ans. Sam was Charley’s psychiatrist friend. He had believed that Charley had got the whims of third level as a waking dream wish fulfilment. He had been only day dreaming. Side by side he revealed that the third level was still there. In reality Charley was upset from his dull life.

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Q.25. What about his grandfather did Charley tell to his friend ?

Ans. Charley said that his grandfather lived in nice and peaceful times, yet he was the one who had started the stamp collection. He did not need any temporary refuge from reality.

Q.26. How did Charley enter in the third level ?

Ans. Charley had been late at his office. He desired to reach home early. So he went to Grand Central to catch a suburban train. He was lost in a corridor. He thought it was a second level. But he had reached the third level.

Q.27. Why did Charley think that Grand Central was growing like a tree, pushing out new corridors and staircases like roots ?

Ans. Charley always found new tunnels and staircases at the Grand Central. He began to suspect that Grand Central was like a huge tree. It pushed out new corridors and tunnels like roots of a tree.

Q.28. What did Charley find when entered to the third level ?

Ans. At the third level, Charley saw the people wearing old fashioned dress, an old locomotive, newspaper dated June 11, 1894, brass spittoons, flickering gas flames light and many other things related to that century.

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Q.29. What did Charley do to make sure that he was on the third level ?

Ans. Charley went to news stand. He saw the stack of newspapers. It was The World’ which was not published any longer. The lead story was about President Cleavend. Later, he discovered in the public library files that it was printed on June 11, 1894.

Q.30. What information about Galesburg, Illinois is given in the text ?

Ans. Charley describes it as a wonderful town with a leisurely way of life with big old frame houses, huge lawns, tremendous tress and a peaceful tranquil world. During summer evenings people sat in their lawns, with man smoking cigars and women waving palm leaf fans.The first World War was twenty years away and the second World War was forty years into the future.

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Q.31. What happened with Charley at the ticket window ?

Ans. Charley went to the ticket counter for two tickets to Galesburg. He paid the currency of the present world which was totally different from 1890s world. On seeing the big notes , the clerk got stunned and he thought that Charley was trying to skin him. He threatened to get him arrested.

Q.32. Did Charley find the corridor at Grand Central Station again ? Why or why not ?

Ans. He tried his best to find the corridor that led to the third level at the Grand Central station but he never found it. Since the third level is just a medium for escape. So Charley is not only lingering but has also entered into the world of fantasy and romance. Hence, he would not be able to reach there.

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Q.33. Who was Sam Weiner ? Where was he disappeared and why ?

Ans. Sam Weiner was a psychiatrist friend of Charley. Charley’s friend Sam disappeared all of a sudden without a trace but Charley could make a guess because he knew that Sam liked Galesburg very much. He became sure of it when he found an envelope mailed by Sam to his grandfather at his home in Galesburg. From the stamp and coin store Charley gets to know that Sam had bought old style currency worth eight hundred dollars. This money was sufficient to set him up in a little hay, feed and grain business in Galesburg.

Q.34. What was ‘stamp collection’ ? How was it related to Charley ?

Ans. When a new stamp is issued, stamp collectors buy some and use them to mail envelopes to themselves on the very first day of sale; and the postmark proves the date. The stamp collection is the link which joins the past and present in the story. This collection was passed on to Charley from his grandfather.

Q.35. What did Sam write in his letter to Charley ?

Ans. Sam’s letter to Charley proves that Sam has found and reached to the third level. He is staying there in Galesburg since last two weeks and watching various activities and explains to Charley. He invites both Charley and his wife Louisa and motivates them, to continue their search of the third level. So, we can say that Sam was also a victim of worldly worries and seeking the escapement, like Charley.

Q.36. Why did Sam bought old currency of eight hundred dollars ? What did he do with it ?

Ans. Charley got to know that Sam had bought eight hundred dollars worth of old currency. Sam had already gone there in 1894’s Galesburg. Charley hoped Sam would set up a hay and feed business in old Galesburg.

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